
Beam partners with TAFE Queensland on Australia’s first skilled pathway tailored to micromobility

Beam partners with TAFE Queensland on Australia’s first skilled pathway tailored to micromobility

● The partnership to develop an e-scooter and e-bike certification is part of the state’s VET Emerging Industries’ initiative

[15 JUNE, 2023]
A pilot program to build Australia’s first accredited vocational pathway for micromobility has commenced, with Australia’s largest shared micromobility company Beam and TAFE Queensland partnering to explore accredited training for the emerging micromobility industry.

In Australia, Queensland has been at the forefront of this new transport mode, introducing the country’s first legislative framework for personal mobility devices and piloting the country’s first shared micromobility program in Brisbane in 2018.

There are now over 20,000 shared micromobility e-bikes and e-scooters across Australia less than five years on from Brisbane’s first pilot program - a number that’s dwarfed by the estimated hundreds of thousands of personally owned e-scooters and e-bikes owned by Australians, demonstrating a need for an education pathway to support an industry Mckinsey estimates is expected to generate up to $90 billion globally by 2030.

The pilot program is an acknowledgement of the growth of micromobility across the globe, and the need for new training and skills to support the burgeoning local industry.

The key goal of the partnership between Beam and TAFE Queensland is to develop a nationally
recognised qualification for e-bike and e-scooter mechanics, in recognition of the micromobility
industry’s growth potential across Australia.

As part of the partnership, Beam will provide industry knowledge around the support and maintenance of an e-mobility fleet and support its employees in engaging with the trial program, with TAFE Queensland developing additional course modules based on the industry’s specific needs.

A group of full time Beam employees currently working across the company’s Queensland operations in fleet technician and mechanical roles will take part in the pilot course, bringing their current industry knowledge gleaned from working in Beam’s operations and learning new skills as part of the course.

Modules in the pilot program include: test and repair basic electrical circuits, service and repair
mechanical braking systems and inspect and service electric power-assisted bicycles

Beam’s General Manager (ANZ) Tom Cooper said:

“The shared micromobility industry has progressed quickly since it was first introduced to Australia in 2018, with great advances in geofencing technology, AI and machine learning that have made it possible for the industry to scale as quickly as it has.
“As the industry continues to grow, it’s vital that we are able to educate and nurture local talent who will be able to take on the new challenges of micromobility as we work to make an impact on congestion in our cities.
“We’re thrilled to be working with TAFE Queensland, and setting best practice for the micromobility industry, supporting the safe operation and management of light electric vehicles across Australia.”

Beam’s Queensland Operations Manager, Andrew Dodd says:

“We see an opportunity to invest in building industry knowledge and setting a new standard, recognising that these vehicles will form a significant part of the way Australians move around their cities and towns in the near future - whether through a shared scheme or personally owned vehicles.
“The Beam team engaging with the pilot program have experiences with the real-life industry challenges of the micromobility industry, bringing their insights from Beam’s operations to the course whilst also upskilling in broader mechanical and technical skills from the team of educators at TAFE Queensland.
“On completion of this trial, we will be able to assess feedback from the trial students around the course content, and work closely with TAFE Queensland and the Queensland Government to build a suitable training framework to serve Australia’s newest mode of transportation.”

TAFE Queensland – SkillsTech Acting General Manager Stephen Gates said this partnership
and others like it are key to the provider’s ability to continue preparing Queenslanders for the jobs of
the future,

“At TAFE Queensland we put a large focus on industry engagement and partnering with industry leaders to identify skills gaps and implement training needs. Beam will help give an insight into the growing industry of e-mobility vehicles in Queensland and show us the expectations for workers within this industry.”

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